Belay SimaneBirhanu

Full Name Belay   Simane Birhanu
Education attended
  • Dip., Addis Ababa University, Awassa College of Agriculture, Awassa, Ethiopia Crop Production and Protection (1979)
  • M.Sc, Plant Breeding and Agronomy Timiriazev Agricultural Academy, Moskow, Russia (1989)
  • Dip., International Crops Research Institute for the emi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)Agroclimatology (1990)
  • PhD, Agronomy and Environmental Sciences Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, Netherlands (1993)
Academic Rank Assoc. Professor (2005)
Working for AAU Since2005
Administrative positions held and Community Services:
  • Head, Center for Environment and Development,
  • Associate Dean for Research, CDS,

Associate Editor, Journal of Natural Sciences, Journal of Crop Sciences, Member of Ethiopian Climate Change Delegation, Member of the Steering Committee of Small-Grants Programme, UNDP

Awards, recognitions, memberships Choke Mountains Development and Research Imitative
Campus: Akaki
Building:  Block 1
Floor number: 1stOffice
room no. AAB 13
Mobile: +251-911-2223044
University email ID: *
Alternative email ID:
Research interest Ecosystem-based climate change analysis: mitigation and adaptation options, community based watershed management and environmental management system.
Publications in reputable journals
  1. Belay Simane. The Sustainability of Community-Based Adaptation in the Choke Mountain Watersheds, Blue Nile Highlands, Ethiopia. In Proceedings of the 3rd World Sustain. Forum, 1-30 November 2013; Sciforum Electronic Conference Series, Vol. 3, 2013 , h001; doi:10.3390/wsf3-h001
  2. Belay Simane, Benjamin F. Zaitchik and MutluOzdogan, 2013. Agroecosystem Analysis of the Choke Mountain Watersheds, Ethiopia. Sustainability2013, 5, 592-616.
  3. Belay Simane, Benjamin F. Zaitchik and DesalegnMesfin, 2012. . Building climate change resilience in the Blue Nile / Abay Highlands. A framework for action. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2012, 9, 610-631.
  4. Zaitchik B.F., Simane B., Habib S., Anderson M.C., Ozdogan M., Foltz J.D, 2012. Building Climate Resilience in the Blue Nile/Abay Highlands: A Role for Earth System Sciences.   International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2012; 9(2):435-461.
  5. Belay Simane, 2012. Climate change: impacts and responses for carbon neutral and climate resilient development in Ethiopia. In press, Journal of Natural Resources 2012: 12: in press.