Tirusew Teffera

11 Professor Tirusew Teffera







Full Name Tirussew Teferra Kidanemariam
Education attended Ph.D,  Humboldt University to Berlin, Germany, 1986-1990.M.A, Humboldt University to Berlin, Germany, 1984 – 1986.B.A,  Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1972 – 1979
Academic Rank Professor , 2001
Working for AAU since 1979
Administrative positions held Dean, College of Education and Behavioral Studies, Addis Ababa UniversityMay , 2012-to presentDean, Faculty of Education, Addis Ababa University, 2002-2003Head, Department of Educational Psychology,  2000-2002Director, Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University,1993-1996
Awards, recognitions and memberships
Addis Ababa University, 2013 Outstanding Faculty Award,UNESCO’s Laureate, Recipient of the Prestigious Jan Amos Comenius Medal Award in Recognition of Outstanding Achievements in the Fields of Educational Research and Innovation, Director General UNESCO, 2008 Geneva, Switzerland.Fulbright Fellow, Senior Research Program Award for the year 2003-2004, Council for International Exchange Scholars, Washington DC 20008-3009, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 2003.Chosen for Distinguished Standing and Conferred with an Honorary Appointment to the Research Board of Advisors, The American Biographical Institute, July 2006, NC, USA.Editor-in Chief,, Journal of Education for Development, College of Education and Behavioral Studies  since 2006

Advisory Board  Member, Journal of the Ethiopian Teachers Association,2009

Advisory  Board  Member, East African Journal of Sciences, Haramaya University,2005

Advisory Board Member,  Journal of Ethiopian Development, West Michigan University,2004

Associate Editor, Journal in Africa, IKO Publisher, Frankfurt,2002

Advisory Board Member,, The Ethiopian Journal of Higher Education, Addis Ababa University , Ethiopia,2005

Editorial Board Member Forum on Street Children in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa,1995, Ethiopia

Regional  Consulting Editor, African Journal of Special Needs Education, UNISE, Kampala, Uganda

Editor, The Ethiopian Journal of Education, Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University. 1993-1996

Reviewer, Open File on Inclusive Education: Support Materials for Managers and Educators; UNESCO, Inclusive Education Division, Paris

Campus :  Main Campus
Building:  Old Classroom Building (OCR)
Floor number: 3rd
Office tel.251 111 239780
Mobile: + 251 911 242546
Research interests Early  development, education  and intervention, special needs education , disability and development. Project areas : Responding to poverty and disability through higher education research, University of Vienna (2012-2014), Early Childhood Care and Education in Ethiopia (UNICEF,2006); Integrating Disability into the FTI Process and National Education Plan in Ethiopia (UK World Vision); State of Child   Sexual Abuse in ‘Ada’a Woreda’(Save the Children Norway); Early Childhood Care and Development Interventions in Ethiopia (World Bank,1999); Situation of Child Labor in the Informal Sector in Ethiopia ( African Network for Prevention and Protection of  Child  Abuse and Neglect),  Innovation towards Inclusive Education and Competence Building in Special Needs Education with the University of Oslo, Norway, 2001-2007, Early Childhood Education Project Evaluation Zimbabwe (Norway Save the Children);  Base Line Survey on Disabilities in Ethiopia, (FINNIDA). Research Project on Early Psychosocial Development with the University of Bergen and University of Oslo, Norway, 1993-2001
Publications in reputable journals Tirussew Teferra (2006). An Overview of Inclusive Development in the Last Fifteen Years in Ethiopia.  In eds. H. Salvolainen, M. Matero & H. Kokkala, When All Means All: Experiences in Three African Countries with EFA and Children with Disabilities, Hakapain Oy, Helsinki, Finland.Tirussew Teferra (2005).  Disability in Ethiopia, Issues, Insights and Implications, Addis Ababa University Printing press, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Odom Samuel, Tirussew Teferra & Kaul Sudha (2004).  An Overview of International Approaches to Early Intervention for Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families. Journal of the Education of Young Children, 38-43. NW, Washington, DC.Tirussew Teferra (2003).  Early Intervention Practices in Ethiopia.  In eds. S. Odom, et al, Early Intervention Practices around the World.  Baltimore: Paul Brookes Publishing, Co., Inc. USA.Tirussew Teferra (2001).  Two Chapters: Mediational Intervention for Sensitizing Caregivers in Ethiopia (pp 95-114) and Preventing Leaning Difficulties and Early School Drop out  (pp. 115-130).  In eds. P.-S., Klein, Seeds of Hope: Twelve Years of Early Intervention in Africa, Oslo: Unipub forlag, Norway.

Tirussew Teferra (2001).  Gender and Disability in Ethiopia.  The Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, 23, 79-109, Addis Ababa University.