Zemelak Ayitenew

  • Dr ZemelakAyitenew is an associate professor and the head of the CFGS. He is also extra-ordinary associate professor of the Dullah Omar Institute of the University of the Western Cape (UWC). He graduated in 2004 with LL. B from Law School of Addis Ababa University. He received LL.M and PhD degrees in 2008 and 2012, respectively, from UWC where he worked as postdoctoral researcher from 2013 to 2016. He was a visiting researcher of the Institute of Federalism of Fribourg University and Catholic University of Leuven. He is a leading scholar in African local governance system and has published a book titled ‘Local government in Ethiopia: Achieving development and accommodating minorities’ and over 15 peer reviewed articles and book chapters in international journals and books that are published by reputable publishing houses. He has written several newspaper and bulletin articles and presented papers in over 30 international and national seminars and conferences.