
Program objectives

The main objectives of the center are:­

  1. to train students in the field of Paleoanthropology, Paleobotany and Paleoclimate who can teach and conduct research in the various higher learning institutions and research centers of the country;
  2. to produce qualified local manpower who understand the importance of Ethiopia’s natural history, and who not only consider the country’s paleontological resources to be of interest for scientific and research purposes, but also understand that the resources can be used as opportunities for development;
  3. through the program’s graduates, to increase public awareness of Ethiopia’s natural history wealth, and engage them in the protection, promotion and utilization of the country’s fossil and cultural heritage for development.

Programs offered by the center

No. Program name
1 MSc in Paleoanthropology
2 MSc in Paleobotany
3 MSc in Paleoclimate

MSc in Paleoanthropology, Paleobotany and Paleoclimate

  1. General Subject Area Modules
  2. Pedagogy
  3. Research and Quantitative Methods
  4. Specialization Modules
  5. Tourism of Paleo Sites
  6. Thesis
  7. Total ECTS