Mulugeta Feseha

Asso.Prof.Mulugeta Feseha

Full name Mulugeta Feseha
Academic Rank/Status Associate Professor
Working for AAU since 1995 EC
Administrative positions held if any/ past and present
  1. Director, Addis Ababa University Community Services
  2. Dean College of Development Studies
  3. Director Institute of Development Research
  4. Coordinator Paleoanthropology Program
Education attended BSc Addis Ababa University, MSc and PhD University of Texas at Austin, USA
Awards and recognitions
Membership of international bodies
Publicity: journals, editorial roles, initiatives etc
  1. Chief Editor: Journal of Development Studies
  2. Board Member of Catering and Tourism Training Institute, Ministry of Culture and Tourism
  • Board Member of Entoto Sustainable Tourism Development Project: Addis Addis Ababa Culture and Tourism Bureau
Research interest /not more than 100 words Ancient-environmental reconstruction; rift geology; sedimentary basin analysis and resource exploration; tourism resource mapping; tourism product development; community based ecotourism development; application of GIS and remote sensing in natural resources development and management.
Publications on reputable journals Tesfamichael, Tekie, Jacobs, Bonnie F., Tabor, Neil J., Michel, Lauren A., Currano, Ellen, Feseha, Mulugeta, 2016. Ancient Atmospheric Carbon dioxide from Cooler Late Oligocene and Warmer Early Miocene Times, Estimated from Fossil leaves and Carbon Isotopes. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 48, No. 7John Kappelman, Richard A. Ketcham, Stephen Pearce, Lawrence Todd, Wiley Akins, Matthew W. Colbert, Mulugeta Feseha, Jessica A. Maisano & Adrienne Witzel, 2016. Perimortem fractures in Lucy suggest mortality from fall out of tall tree, Nature, Vol. 537, 503–507.Caitlin Colleary, Andrei Dolocan, James Gardner, Suresh Singh, Michael Wuttke, Renate Rabenstein, Jörg Habersetzer, Stephan Schaal, Mulugeta Feseha, Matthew Clemens, Bonnie F. Jacobs, Ellen D. Currano, Louis L. Jacobs, Rene Lyng Sylvestersen, Sarah E. Gabbott, and Jakob Vinther, 2015. Chemical, experimental, and morphological evidence for diagenetically altered melanin in exceptionally preserved fossils, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (PNAS), vol. 112, no. 41, Pages 12592–12597.JACOBS, Bonnie F., CURRANO, Ellen D., PAN, Aaron D., Don Harrington and FESEHA, Mulugeta, 2015.  Climate of the East African Highlands in the Early Neogene (21.7 MA) Estimated from Fossil Leaves of the Mush Valley, Ethiopia, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.0, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Paper No. 101-13, 1-4 November.

Kappelman John, Derege Tewabe, Lawrence Todd, Mulugeta Feseha, Marvin Kay, Gary Kocurek, Brett Nachman, Neil Tabor, and Meklit Yadeta,  2014.  Another Unique River:  a consideration of some of the characteristics of the trunk tributaries of the Nile River in northwestern Ethiopia in relationship to their aquatic food resources. Journal of Human Evolution, vol. 77, pages 117-131.

Ermias Kifle and Mulugeta Feseha, 2014. Religious tourism potential of Gishen Derbe Kerbe Mariam, Ethiopia.  African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Vol. 3 (1).

Aaron D. Pan, Ellen D. Currano, Bonnie F. Jacobs, Mulugeta Feseha, Neil Tabor and Patrick S. Herendeen, 2012. Fossil Newtonia (Fabaceae: Mimoseae) Seeds from the Early Miocene (22-21 MA) Mush Valley in Ethiopia, Int. J. Plant Sci. 173(3): 290-296.

Mulugeta Feseha, 2005.  Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the Chilga basin sediments, northwest Ethiopia.  SINET: Ethiopian Journal of Science, 28(1):75-92.

Mulugeta Feseha, 2004. Gradient profile Analysis of the Blue Nile (Abbay) River: a natural resource development perspective. The Ethiopian Journal of Development Research, 26, p. 101-116.

Jacobs, B. F., Tabor, N., Feseha, M., Pan, A., Kappelman, J., Rasmussen, T., Sanders, W., Wiemann, M., Crabaugh, J., Garcia, M., and Juan, L., 2005. Oligocene Terrestrial Strata of Northwestern Ethiopia: A Preliminary Report on Paleoenvironments and Paleontology, Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 8, Issue 1; 25A:19p.

Kappelman, J., D. T. Rasmussen, W. J. Sanders, M. Feseha, T. Bown, P. Copeland, J. Crabaugh, J. Fleagle M. Glantz, A. Gordon, B. Jacobs, M. Maga, K. Muldoon, A. Pan, L. Pyne, B. Richmond, T. Ryan, E. R. Seiffert, S. Sen, L. Todd, M. C. Wiemann, and A. Winkler, 2003. New Oligocene mammals from Ethiopia and the pattern and timing of faunal exchange between Afro-Arabia and Eurasia, Nature, Vol. 426, 4 December, 2003.

Feseha, M., G. Kocurek, J. Kappelman, and P. Copeland, 2001.  Sequence Stratigraphy, Petrography and Geochronology of the Oligocene Chilga Rift Basin Sediments, Northwest Ethiopia. AAPG Annual Convention, Jun 3-6, Denver, CO, Abstract with Programs.

Feseha M., J. Kappelman, DT. Rasmussen, J. Fleagle, P. Copeland, T. Ryan, W. Sanders, 2000.  New sub-Saharan Oligocene fossil localities from northwestern Ethiopia.  Am. J. Phys. Anthropol: 147-148 Suppl 30..

Community services: memberships etc Carried out several community empowerment training programs in Adwa, Mekdela, Yeha and Arbaminch areas.
Address Paleoanthropology and Paleoenvironment Program, College of Natural Sciences, P. O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa UniversityEmail: ,