Full Name Isabel Díaz
Academic Rank/Status Adjunct Professor
Education attended PhD in Chemistry 2001
Memberships of International bodies Chemical Society of Ethiopia (CSE)

InternacionalZeolita Association (IZA)

Internacional Mesoporous Materials Association (IMMA)

Miembro de la Sociedad Etiope de Química (CSE)

Sociedad Española de Catálisis (SECAT)

Grupo Español de Zeolitas (GEZ)

Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ)

Research interest Synthesis of zeolites and ordered mesoporous materials, and composites. Applications in catalysis and environmental remediation. Characterization of porous solids using Transmission Electron Microscopy
Publications Total Nº SCI publications ISI: 103

Ten highlighted publications of last five years:

  1. I. Díaz, Catalysis Today 285 (2017) 29-38 “Environmental uses of Zeolites in Ethiopia“.
  2. W. Mamo, Y. Chebude, C. Márquez-Álvarez, I. Diaz, E. Sastre, Catalysis Science & Technology 6 (2016) 2766-2774“Comparison of glucose conversion to 5-HMF using different modified mordenites in ionic liquid and biphasic media”
  3. L. Ayele, J. Pérez-Pariente, Y. Chebude, I. Díaz Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 215 (2015) 28-35 “Synthesis of Zeolite A from Ethiopian kaolin”.
  4. M. Sánchez-Sánchez, N. Getachew, K. Díaz, M. Díaz-García, Y. Chebude, I. Diaz, Green Chemistry 17 (2015) 1500-1509 “Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks in water at room temperature: Salts as linker sources”.
  5. L. Gómez-Hortigüela, J. Pérez-Pariente, Y. Chebude, I. Díaz RSC Advances, 4 (2014) 7998-8003. “Controlled growth of hydroxyapatite on the surface of natural stilbite from Ethiopia: application in mitigation of fluorosis”.
  6. A. Mayoral, R. Arenal, V. Gascón, C. Márquez-Álvarez, R. M. Blanco, I. Díaz, ChemCatChem 5 (2013) 903-909. “Designing functionalized mesoporous materials for enzyme immobilization: location of enzymes using advanced TEM techniques.”
  7. A. Mayoral, T. Carey, P. A. Anderson, A. Lubk, I. Diaz, AngewandteChemie International Edition 50 (2011), 11230-11233 “Atomic resolution analysis of Ag ion-exchanged zeolite A”.
  8. E. Serra, E. Díez I. Díaz, R. M. Blanco, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 132 (2010) 487-493. “A comparative study of periodic mesoporous organosilica and different hydrophobic mesoporous silicas for lipase immobilization”.
  9. E. Serra, A. Mayoral, Y. Sakamoto, R. M. Blanco, I. Díaz, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 114 (2008) 201- 213. “Immobilization of lipase in ordered mesoporous materials: effect of textural and structural parameters”.
  10. Y. Bouizi, I. Díaz, L. Rouleau, V. Valtchev, Advanced Functional Materials 15 (2005) 1955-1960 “Core-Shell zeolite microcomposites”.

c/Marie Curie 2, 28033 Madrid, Spain