Yasin Mohammed

Name Yasin
Father’s name Mohammed
Grand father’s name Ruffo
Academic rank Assistant Professor
Working for AAU Since 2012
Office address
Campus: Main

Building name: Social Sciences

Floor number: 3rd

Office room no.: 323A

Office tel.: +251-118-493630

Mobile: +251-911-370906

Email ID: yasinmohammed822@yahoo.com

Research Interest Study of religion particularly Islam along Ethio-Sudanese border; the role of Ulamas in propagating the religion in Western Ethiopia and Eastern Part of Sudan; the role of trade and Islam in the region.
List of Recent publications
  1. “The peopling of Highland Illubabor” 4th departmental seminar of History Department Debre Zeit, 1890.
  2. A History of Illubabora, Ethiopia, ca. 1889-1990. LAMP LAMBART publishing Germany, 2011.