Consultancy & Training

The Department of Social Anthropology has a pool of expertise that will be of a great help both to the university and the wider public. The potential areas in which the faculty at the Department could provide training and consultancy services include, among others: migration/population movement (internal and international migration); urban issues (development induced displacement, relocation, resettlement); urban investment and its consequences; urban unemployment; urban refugees; human trafficking; civil society organizations; conflict resolution (including indigenous or customary) mechanisms; legal pluralism; interethnic interactions (competition, collaboration, cooperation); children and disadvantaged groups; development environment; culture and development; pastoralism and pastoral development; agribusinesses; needs assessment; gender and development; reproductive health; harmful traditional practices; gender and HIV/AIDS; gender-based violence; poverty and HIV/AIDS; inter- and intra-religious relationships; conflict and conflict management in pastoral and agricultural communities; social assessment of rural and urban development programs; resettlement policy framework development for rural and urban development programs; child and child welfare; institutions and associational life of citizens; culture and environment; culture and gender relations; land rights; livelihood and indigenous knowledge; early marriage; indigenous medicine; social protection.