Academic Matters
1. Semester Load
A student is required to register for a normal load which is measured in terms of the total sum of ECTS/Credits of the modules/courses he/she registers.
The load varies according to the type of the program (regular, extension, summer and Distance). More details can be found inside the curriculum of the program to which the student is enrolled.
The minimum load required for a full-time student, especially female and special needs shall be 30 ECTS (17 credit hours), and 25 ECTS (15 credit hours) respectively per semester and the maximum shall not exceed 35 ECTS/22 credit hours.
A student with CGPA of 2.50 or above and wishing to deviate from this requirement shall obtain a special permission from the head of the department in which he is doing his major work, or from the dean of his college, and approved by the AC. The maximum load with special permission may not, however, exceed 35 ECTS/22 credit hours.
A graduating student with CGPA of 2.00 and above may be granted special permission to take up to 35 ECTS/22credit hours.
The normal load in the evening programs shall be 14-18 ECTS/8-12 credit hours per semester. A student may be allowed to take a load of up to 25 ECTS/15 credit hours, provided that the student has completed a course work of at least one academic year/40 ECTS/24 credit hours and has a CGPA of 2.50 or above and the student is at graduation year after passing all modular courses taken up to date.
The normal semester load of students placed in summer in-service programs shall be 20-22 ECTS/12-15 credit hours.
Evening program students may take up to 12-14 ECTS/6-8 credit hours during the summer term.
The normal semester load for regular masters program students shall be 30-35 ECTS, for those placed in summer in-service, extension, and distance programs, it shall be 20-22 ECTS.
For the purpose of determining academic status of evening and summer in-service/kiremt students, one academic year shall be regarded as equivalent to two semesters and one summer in-service/ kiremt term for evening program students and three summer in-service/kiremt terms for summer in-service/kiremt program students.
2. Duration of Study
The duration of study for undergraduate degrees in regular programs shall be from three to six years. A student who withdraws for valid reasons shall be granted readmission within six years after the date of withdrawal and failure to apply for readmission within this period of time shall entail dismissal for good.
The duration of study for undergraduate degree in evening, continuing and distance programs shall be four to six years. A student who withdraws for valid reasons shall be granted readmission within six years after the date of withdrawal. If not, they shall be dismissed from the program. However, certification shall be awarded for successfully completed modules.
The duration of study in Master’s degree in the regular program shall be 1½ – 2 years, and 3-4 years in the evening/weekend and kiremt/summer in-service program. A student who withdraws for valid reasons shall be granted readmission within 2 and 4 years after the date of withdrawal for regular and evening/kiremt, respectively. If not, he shall be dismissed from the program.
The duration for the completion of a Ph.D. or specialty certificate program shall be four years except in the case where it can be established that a candidate can complete his Ph.D. or specialty program in three years without compromising University academic standards.
The duration of sub-specialty certificates shall be between two to three years.
Extension of the duration of study may be allowed as provided herein where a candidate shows that he was unable to complete his studies within the specified period due to force majeure and where the extension is recommended by the DGC endorsed by AC and approved by ASPRC:
- for a Master’s degree a maximum of four years;
- for a specialty certificate a maximum of five years; and
- for a Ph.D. a maximum of six years.
A candidate shall complete at least 50% of the required duration of study at the University to qualify for graduation.
Residency requirements for special graduate programs shall be set by guidelines to be issued by ASPRC.