- Administration of Examinations
A list of candidates sitting in an examination shall be prepared in advance of the examination by departments/centers/schools to which the students belong and such a list shall be handed over to the invigilators for purposes of checking attendance during the examination. No student may be admitted into an examination hall 30 minutes after the beginning of the examination and may not be allowed to leave an examination hall within 30 minutes of the beginning of an examination and before signing the examination attendance sheet.
In the event that a student is forced to leave an examination hall for health reasons, and in so far as the student is in a conscious and sound state of mind, the invigilator in attendance shall inform him of the fact that certification from a medical doctor has to be obtained expeditiously to substantiate the claim of sickness or illness. Upon conclusion of an examination the invigilator shall submit a report on the conduct of the examination by completing a form prepared for that purpose. The report shall be submitted to the office of the chair/head of the department/center/school that offers the module/course.
- Violation of Examination Regulations
Any one of the following shall be interpreted as an act of violation of examination regulations in an examination or any other graded exercise and shall have direct consequences on the marking or grading of all kinds of examination papers, term papers, projects or senior essays and on the determination of the academic status of students.
- Copying from pieces of paper or any other source of information brought into an examination hall where such material is not specifically permitted;
- Working on or being found in possession of examination papers other than one’s own;
- Exchanging information in the examination hall in oral, symbolic, written or any other means, such as mobile phones where these are not specifically permitted;
- Making use of someone else’s work, or parts thereof, without acknowledging the same and with deliberate intent to represent such material as one’s own;
- Sitting for an examination in a module/course for which one has not been registered;
- Taking an examination by proxy;
- Submitting a work or works for which it can clearly be established that the work or part thereof is not produced by the student claiming authorship or production;
- Disorderly conduct in an examination hall, including refusal to accept and abide by instructions given by the invigilator;
- Being caught in the act of avoiding to sign attendance sheets in an examination or trying to leave examination halls without submitting answer sheets in ways that could lead to claims of absence from the hall; and
- Engaging in any other act that is deemed inappropriate to the smooth and fair conduct of the examination.
An invigilator who apprehends a student in the act of cheating in an examination or exercise shall forthwith inform the student concerned of the fact that his behavior will be reported. The invigilator shall also make as detailed and complete note of the incident(s) as possible in a form designed for the purpose. He shall collect all evidences of cheating (copies of plagiarized material, scraps of smuggled papers, notebooks, exchanged exam papers, prohibited devices, testimonies by other supervisors).
Where the act of cheating has been committed in an examination hall, the decision of allowing or not allowing the perpetrator to continue working on the examination shall be made by the instructor of the course or by the chief invigilator, if the instructor is on supervision duty. The instructor or the invigilator shall, after making a determination of the matter, prepare a short report describing the grounds for his decision.
Where the invigilator discovers evidence demonstrating that there was intent, on the part of the student, to cheat but no clear evidence that the student has actually cheated, the student shall be permitted to continue to work on the examination but shall be told that his behavior will be reported. The invigilator shall collect all evidences on intent to cheat in preparation for his reporting.
Without prejudice to disciplinary actions that may be taken on the student, cheating cases, including those of plagiarism, shall have consequences only on the grade points the student would have earned from the examination or exercise on which cheating had occurred and not on the overall grade he would earn for the course. Thus, if a student obtains zero points on any of the test or a term paper due to cheating or plagiarism, that should not constitute ground for a grade of “F” or for disqualification from the course as a whole.
- Re-marking of Examinations
A student who is aggrieved by the marks he had obtained in a course shall have the right to petition for remarking of his exam paper as follows:
- Any petition for re-marking shall be initiated after the grades are officially released from the department/center/school or the Office of the Registrar;
- A petition for re-marking of first semester grades shall be submitted within two weeks after the grade is officially released from the department/center/school or the Office of the Registrar;
- A petition for re-marking of second semester grades shall be submitted anytime before the registration date of the next academic year; and
- Any student petitioning for re-marking shall fill and submit the standard application form to be delivered by the academic unit concerned.
Petition for Re-marking is entertained in the following manner:
- Each academic unit shall be in possession of the standard application forms to be filled out by students who petition for remarking. Such forms shall require of the student to specify the reasons for disputing the grade he has earned;
- Remarking application forms will be prepared by colleges;
- Upon receipt of the petition for remarking, the head of the academic unit concerned shall inform the instructor of the course and shall:
Obtain the grade distribution scale employed by the instructor; and
Obtain the answer sheets or/and sample papers written by other students in the section to which the petitioning student belongs.
- The chair/head of the department/center/school shall then assign two academic staff, who can make the re-marking impartially. They shall do the remarking separately and report separately to him with a recommended grade;
- The chair/head of the department/center/school shall then approve an average of the two grades submitted to him;
- If the remark result is a grade lower than the one previously obtained, the previous grade shall stand;
- The chair/head of the department/center/school shall:
Sign and send the original to the Office of the Registrar; and
keep one copy on the department`s/center`s/school`s file.
- If, at the end of the remarking process, there is a conviction beyond reasonable doubt that the first marking was prejudicial to a particular student in ways that prove that the instructor was deliberately intent on harming the student academically, the chair/head of the department/center/school shall take up the matter through proper channels for disciplinary action against the member of staff in question;
- If a student, upon petitioning for remarking, had claimed that there might be motives for which the instructor could have unfairly marked his papers, and if, upon the completion of remarking the paper, no evidence of unfairness is found, the instructor concerned shall receive a letter from the head of the concerned academic unit exonerating him of the allegations.
- Make-up Examinations
- A student unable to sit for a final examination for reasons beyond his control, such as hospitalization, psychological problems or other accidents, and therefore has an “I” (incomplete) grade in a module/course may be allowed to sit for a make-up examination in the module/course.
- Any such student, or a person representing the student, shall submit application for make-up examination in writing with valid and documented reasons for not having sat for the final examination to the chair/head of his academic department/center/school within six weeks after the start of the subsequent semester.
- Where the AC finds that the student did not have valid reasons for not sitting for a final examination, the “I” grade on the student’s record shall be automatically changed to “F”. GPAs shall be calculated and the status of the student shall be determined accordingly.
- Dates for make-up examination will be announced by the Dean or Head of Department. The date may range from six weeks to a year from the date a decision by AC was made.
- A student allowed to sit for a make-up examination shall register for the examination at least one month (the dates to be announced by the Office of the Registrar) before the final examination in the module/course is scheduled to be administered.
- A student who has three or more “I” grades in a semester and would therefore sit for a make-up examination shall, irrespective of his academic status, withdraw from the University for Academic Reasons and apply for make-up examination. No GPAs shall be calculated and no academic status shall be determined for such a student until the results of the make-up examination are known.
- A student who has less than three (one or two) “I” grades in a semester and who is allowed to take a make-up examination may continue his studies in the subsequent semester if he is in good academic standing (Semester GPA greater than 1.75 and CGPA greater than 2.00). For such a student, GPA shall be calculated and his academic status shall be determined based on the grades obtained and excluding courses in which the “I” grades are registered. Such a student shall also apply and sit for a make-up examination in incomplete courses.
- If a student has less than three “I” grades but is not in good academic standing, he will withdraw and apply for make-up exam. GPAs will not be calculated and status will not be given for such a student until he takes the make-up examination.
- Unless otherwise decided by the AVP, any “I” grade not removed within a … shall be converted to an “F” grade.
- Re-examination
An undergraduate student shall be allowed to sit for re‐examination for any of the following reasons:
- Courses/modules in which the student scored “F”, “Fx”, “D” or even “C‐”. The latter two require special recommendation by the academic advisor.
- The student cannot repeat a module/course due to discontinuity of an academic program.
- The student is in his/her year of graduation in which case a student is allowed to take a maximum of two modules/courses.
- A student whose CGPA must be such that when an input of a minimum of 2.00 or “C” grade on the module/course is made, it enables the student qualify for graduation or promotion.
- A student who scored an “Fx” grade is allowed to take re‐exam twice. If the student scores “Fx” for the second time, the “Fx” will be considered as “F” for grade calculation and status determination.
- Feedbacks from Examinations
Exam papers are returned to students after marking and feedbacks have to be given to students on the examinations so that they will learn from their mistakes. Instructors submit grades after students have seen their papers.
- Repeating Courses/Modules
Undergraduate students may repeat a module/course or several modules/courses to remove academic deficiency by the discretion of the Academic commission. A student who obtains an “F” grade in a module/course may repeat the course. However, no such course may be repeated more than twice. Students repeating courses register and carry out all activities. A borderline student may be allowed to repeat a module/course in which the student has obtained a “D” grade; but no such course may be repeated more than once unless it is a required module/course for graduation in which case the student may be given a second chance to repeat. A previous grade or grades of “F” or “D” shall be removed and replaced by the new grade. A grade on a repeated course shall be recorded as it is. The initial grades, that is, the grades that the students want to change, will be cancelled on transcripts and will not be considered in the calculation of SGPA and CGPA. If a student repeating “D” scores an “F”, the “F” shall be final unless a second repeat is authorized.
For graduate students, only courses with grades lower than ‘B’ may be repeated when the CGPA of the student is less than 3.00 and for Ph.D. students all courses with “C” grades or lower shall be repeated.
A student with a grade of “C” or lower may be allowed to take a re-exam, instead of repeating the course, with the recommendation of the course instructor and the DGC by assessing the overall performance or special conditions of the student on individual basis.
No course may be repeated or re-examined more than once.
Grades obtained on a repeated course shall stand as they are.