College of Development Studies Hosts Stakeholders’ Validation Workshop on Women’s and Youths’ Access to Urban Land
The College of Development Studies convened a validation workshop on a research project titled: “Women’s and Youths’ Access to Land for Housing and Work in Urban Settings: Challenges and Opportunities in Laws and Land Governance” on September 13 2024 at TK Hotel and Resort in Bishoftu.
The project was implemented for one year with a grant from a USAID-Land Governance fund.
Dr Tesfaye Zeleke, Dean of the College of Development Studies stated that the project aimed to examine women’s and youths’ access to urban land for housing and working premises.
As vulnerable segments of the society, both groups seek policy support and strategic interventions to fully tap ongoing developments in urban centers, the Dean further said, citing cases from Addis Ababa , Adama, Bahir Dar and Hawassa.
Among others, the major findings of the project call for a robust policy-level advocacy that ensures women and youth’s access to urban land for housing and working premises.
Regarding existing policies and legislations on access to urban land by women and youths, Dr. Daniel Behailu from the School of Law at Hawassa University noted that while policies exist to ensure equitable access to urban land, their implementation often falls short due to lack of effective affirmative action measures specifically designed to assist women and youths.
Comprehensive reforms are needed to address legal, policy and institutional gaps to ensure more equitable access to urban land for all, especially marginalized groups like women and youths, Dr Daniel said.
In his closing remarks, Dean Dr. Tesfaye Zeleke added that the provision of trainings and capacity-building programs for government officials and staff members involved in urban land governance is crucial to enhance their understanding of gender-sensitive and youth-inclusive strategies.
AAU.and Hawassa University academics, experts from the Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, USAID-Land Governance Activity, Ministry of Agriculture, and members of the Women National Task force attended the validation workshop.