Notice to Students who applied to join the Bachelor of Laws Degree Program
- The Entrance Exam for admission to the Bachelor of Laws degree program will be administered on Friday, 19 April 2024 in the afternoon, starting 2:00 pm (8 o’clock local time)
- We have received credible reports that some rogue elements in an otherwise industrious student body are conspiring to cheat in the exam employing deceitful practices, including arrangements for senior students to do the exam in place of the actual examinees. Please note that the University follows a policy of ‘zero tolerance’ on exam cheating and students caught in such schemes will be dealt with seriously, including dismissal for good from the University. We will take extra precautions to check the identity of individuals entering the exam rooms as examinee.
- For information regarding the place and the specific exam rooms where you will sit for the Entrance Exam, check tomorrow (Friday) in the morning the noticeboards in the ground floor of Mandela Building.
- When coming to the exam room, bring only your student ID card. Do not bring any electronic devices (cell phone, earphone, tablet, USB sticks or other file storage device, etc.) as well as notebooks or pieces of papers. Strict body search will be conducted by security personnel before you enter into the exam rooms.
- Arrive at your designated exam room 15 minutes before the exam start time (2:00 pm (8 o’clock local time)).
The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, College of Law and Governance Studies (CLGS)