
School of Commerce Hosts Public Lecture on Ethiopia’s Capital Market Ecosystem

The School of Commerce, in partnership with the Ethiopian Securities Exchange (ESX) and the Ethiopian Capital Markets Authority (ECMA), organized a Public Lecture on Ethiopia’s capital market ecosystem on November 8, 2024.

Solomon Markos, PhD, the head of the School of Commerce, stated in an interview that the purpose of the public lecture is to involve students, faculty, and  scholars  to significantly contribute to the capital market ecosystem as prospective investors, service providers, and issuers.

“Through this initiative, we aim to deepen their understanding of how the capital markets operate and demonstrate how they can actively participate in and contribute to the ecosystem”, Dr Solomon said.

He further stated that the lecture aims to enhance understanding of the regulatory framework that oversees the Ethiopian capital market and to promote a dialogue regarding the role of the AAU School of Commerce as a significant stakeholder in the engagement and advancement of the capital market.

Ms Yodit Kassa, Chief Business Development Officer at Ethiopian Securities Exchange (ESX), for her part noted that ESX plays a major role in facilitating access to capital and providing  support for capital allocation in a manner that fuels Ethiopia’s economic growth.

Ms Yodit emphasized that ESX will enable mobilization of financial resources for both public and private sector institutions while providing investors a reliable platform to invest in an efficient environment.

ECMA Professionals, School of Commerce faculty and students and Ethiopian Securities Exchange (ESX) Experts attended the Public Lecture.

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Amanuel Gebru

Reporter: Theodros Shewangizaw