
Visiting Deputy Minister Calls on AAU to Join Russian-African University Network

Russian Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education, Konstantin Mogilevsky, visited Addis Ababa University, and conferred with President Dr Samuel Kifle. The two sides held deliberations on strategic areas for cooperation that included technology, health, space science, mining and energy.

During the discussions, the Russian minister extended an invitation to AAU to join the Russian- African University network.

The network is a Russian initiative that brings together Russian and African universities as development partners engaged in educational and scientific cooperation as well as joint infrastructural projects.

Joint MA/PhD programs, academic mobility ventures, intercultural dialogue, as well as joint research and consulting are some of the areas of cooperation between Russian and African universities forming the consortium.

 The network boasts 61 Russian universities and 31 higher education institutions from 11 African countries.

Editor-in-chief: Dr: Amanuel Gebru

Web Reporter: Theodros Shewangizaw