

The Institute is organized into four major units, namely, Research Projects Unit, Publication and Dissemination Unit, Testing and Assessment Unit, and Administration Unit.

  1. Research Projects Unit

The Research Projects Unit coordinates the research activities of the Institute. Currently, the Institute conducts 12 researches (two thematic researches, eight sub-thematic researches, three adaptive problem solving researches and one collaborative research). Moreover, the Institute finalized its thematic research on quality of education structured in five sub-thematic areas namely: Early Childhood Care and Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education. The publication of the completed research outcomes is already underway.

IER has research and testing collaborations with national organizations, such as the Ministry of Education, Higher Education Relevance Quality Assurance Agency, Ministry of Health, Addis Ababa City Administration Education Bureau, the Ethiopian Science Academy and International consultants, such as the Creative Associates International; Washington based research consultants and Coffey International Development, UK based research consultant. The Institute is also actively involved in the network of African Asian Universities Dialogue (AA-Dialogue) involving twenty eight universities from sixteen countries. IER has finalized one research project as a member of this network and currently it is conducting another research project. Moreover, IER is a member of the consortium with Ethiopian Education Strategy Center, Ethiopian Development Research Institute and the University of Cambridge with the mission of Research on improving Systems of Education in Ethiopia (RISE Ethiopia).

         2. Publication and Dissemination Unit

The Unit is responsible for the publication and dissemination of academic journals namely: The Ethiopian Journal of Education (EJE), one of the reputable journals of the AAU; The Ethiopian Journal of Higher Education (EJHE); and IER Flambeau. The Unit does its utmost to better work with authors, assessors and board members of these journals. Furthermore, the Unit coordinates the production and publication of different materials, such as workshop proceedings, monographs, news bulletins, leaflets, etc. It also plays the role of a bridge between the public and the Institute as a whole and makes sure that the IER plays its expected roles.

        3.Test and Measurement Services Unit

The Test and Measurement Services Unit has the following major duties: prepares the National University Entrance Examination that serves for placement of students to higher education institutions; prepares  new local tests for use in research, personnel selection, promotion and training; provides testing services to public and private organizations including the Human Resource Management of the Addis Ababa University; conducts periodic review of local tests; serves as an agent for test administration of international testing institutions such as: ETS (TOEFL, GRE, SAT) and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).  In a year, the Unit provides testing services to about 40 local institutions and nearly 5,000 candidates taking foreign tests. Recently, in the year 2016, the Unit has tested over 10,000 new graduate health professionals as a requirement for licensing.

      4.The Administration Unit

The Administration unit is headed by an assistant administrator, and follows up all daily activities of the Institute. The Institute has eleven academic staff and ten administrative staff. Most of the academic staff members have rich experience of university teaching and research ranging from 40 years to seven years.


IER’s library collection was used to be housed inside the Institute. Now it is moved to a corner at the general stack of the newly built Addis Ababa University Sidist Kilo Campus Libraries. It is located right behind of the Kennedy Library. The collection consists of books, journals, thesis dissertations and compiled documents mostly related to Ethiopian education. The library is open on all working days (08:00 A.M- 05:00 P.M).