Open Access Resourses

 DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals

Database of open access journals covering all scientific and scholarly subjects.  Primarily used to identify open access journal titles and forty percent of them are searchable at the article level.  Journals can be browsed by title or by broad subject area.  Articles are searchable by article author or title, ISSN, journal title, abstract, or key words.  Full-text is not searchable but is fully accessible.  To be included in the DOAJ, journals must use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access and must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control.


Edward Elgar Publishing online books and journals. Elgaronline includes all new Edward Elgar Publishing scholarly monographs, journals, original reference books and handbooks, covering the social sciences and law.  Designed with the help of librarians for academic libraries. Elgaronline features 2600 scholarly ebook titles with a further 300 titles added annually.

Ethiopian Journal Online

Ethiopian Journal Online comprises Prominent Scholarly Journals Published in Ethiopia. You can view and download articles.

Public Library of Science

The Public Library of Science (PLOS) was founded in 2001 as a nonprofit organization to accelerate progress in science and medicine by leading a transformation in research communication. We strive to bring scientists together and to share their work as rapidly and as widely as possible, to advance science and to benefit society as a whole. We are constantly looking for ways to use emerging technology and new ideas to open up scientific communication to make it faster, more efficient, more connected and more useful.

 BioMed Central

We are an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher with a large portfolio of peer-reviewed open access journals. Our journals span all areas of biology, medicine and health, including broad interest titles such as BMC Biology and BMC Medicine alongside specialist journals, such as Malaria Journal and BMC Infectious Diseases.

Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Hindawi Publishing Corporation is one of the world’s largest publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access journals across many areas of science, technology, and medicine, as well as several areas of social science. Hindawi’s journals are indexed in the leading abstracting and indexing databases, including the Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, INSPEC, Mathematical Reviews, and Chemical Abstracts.

Bioline International

It is a not-for-profit scholarly publishing cooperative committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries. BI’s goal of reducing the South to North knowledge gap is crucial to a global understanding of health (tropical medicine, infectious diseases, epidemiology, emerging new diseases), biodiversity, the environment, conservation and international development. By providing a platform for the distribution of peer-reviewed journals BI helps to reduce the global knowledge divide by making bioscience information generated in these countries available to the international research community world-wide.

The Directory of Open Access Repositories – OpenDOAR

OpenDOAR provides a quality-assured listing of open access repositories around the world. OpenDOAR staff harvest and assign metadata to allow categorisation and analysis to assist the wider use and exploitation of repositories. Each of the repositories has been visited by OpenDOAR staff to ensure a high degree of quality and consistency in the information provided: OpenDOAR is maintained by SHERPA Services, based at the Centre for Research Communications at the University of Nottingham.

Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)

It is a searchable international Registry of Open Access Repositories indexing the creation, location and growth of open access institutional repositories and their contents. ROAR was created by EPrints at University of Southampton in 2003. To date, over 3,000 institutional and cross-institutional repositories have been registered in ROAR.


OpenStax CNX is a dynamic non-profit digital ecosystem serving millions of users per month in the delivery of educational content to improve learning outcomes. There are tens of thousands of learning objects, called pages, that are organized into thousands of textbook-style books in a host of disciplines, all easily accessible online and downloadable to almost any device, anywhere, anytime.

MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW)

MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.

The African Virtual University’s (AVU) Open Educational Resources (OER) portal

The Portal was launched in January 2011 and hosts more than 200 textbooks of Mathematics, Sciences and Teacher Education as well as 91 videos. As at June 2011, the AVU OER resources were viewed or downloaded 200,000 times in 142 countries worldwide, including 41 African countries.

Open Education News blog

Open Education News provides readers with a daily dose of the most relevant open education and open educational resources news from around the world.

China Open Resources for Education (CORE)

China Open Resources for Education (CORE) is a consortium of universities. It is is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote closer interaction and open sharing of educational resources between Chinese and international universities.

Flat World Knowledge (FWK)

Flat World Knowledge produces and gives away open source textbooks in a way student believe to be financially sustainable. It offers free online textbooks. E–books have been proposed as one potential solution; open source textbooks have also been explored.

The Global Text Project?

The Global Text Project publishes electronic texts for students in the developing world. It also maintains a database of links to books for such students.


Jorum is the UK’s largest repository for discovering and sharing Open Educational Resources for higher and further education and the Skills sector.

Multimedia Educational Resource for learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT)

MERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.

Open Educational Resources

Open educational resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. OER include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.

OER Commons

Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME’s)  OER initiatives aim to grow a sustainable culture of sharing and continuous improvement among educators at all levels. In 2007, ISKME launched OER Commons, its digital public library and collaboration platform, informed by the organization’s pioneering efforts in knowledge management and educational innovation. OER Commons offers a comprehensive infrastructure for curriculum experts and instructors at all levels to identify high-quality OER and collaborate around their adaptation, evaluation, and use to address the needs of teachers and learners. Diving into OER Commons is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with other educators and learners, at the forefront of a new educational era.

OER Handbook

The purpose of this handbook is to provide a guide for those who are just getting started in the creation of open educational resources (OER). Significant progress has been made by many in the open education movement to help acclimatize novices.

Issue Lab

First started in 2006 as a searchable, browseable website set up to collect and share the social sector’s knowledge, IssueLab became a service of Foundation Center in 2012. Since then, IssueLab’s mission has grown beyond the “simple” collection and distribution of knowledge products, to include the support of social sector organizations in adopting the practical and necessary steps to openly publishing what they fund and produce.


OpenLearn gives you free access to learning materials from The Open University. It has content which stretches back to 1999, when The Open University created, providing free online learning to support broadcast collaborations with the BBC.


OpenUCT is the open access institutional repository of the University of Cape Town (UCT). It makes available and digitally preserves the scholarly outputs produced at UCT, including theses and dissertations, journal articles, book chapters, technical and research reports, and open educational resources. These resources are organised into collections that are mapped against the university’s organisational structure. The repository has been developed in line with international interoperability and metadata standards using DSpace open source software, and is indexed by all major search engines. It was launched in Jul14.


VideoLectures.NET is an award-winning free and open access educational video lectures repository. The lectures are given by distinguished scholars and scientists at the most important and prominent events like conferences, summer schools, workshops and science promotional events from many fields of Science. The portal is aimed at promoting science, exchanging ideas and fostering knowledge sharing by providing high quality didactic contents not only to the scientific community but also to the general public. All lectures, accompanying documents, information and links are systematically selected and classified through the editorial process taking into account also users’ comments. 

Excel Easy offers you a tutorial on how to use Excel.  You can find related examples and features (300 Examples) on the excel easy website.

International Institute for Primary Health Care Ethiopia

The IIfPHC-E-Resource Center is building a global hub of resources relating to primary health care (PHC) to share knowledge, information and promising practices. To this end, the Resource Center serves as an online repository of learning and resource sharing in primary health care. The Resource Center has pulled together key resources and is comprised of various websites and webpages to increase knowledge and to inform healthcare professionals, health program designers and implementers, policymakers, researchers, managers and anyone else working in, or interested in primary health care.