The Office of Change Management channels its efforts into initiating, planning, overseeing, implementing, and evaluating the transformation agenda of the University by ensuring active participation of stakeholders of the University at all levels. The Office handles this huge responsibility following two major approaches. The first approach focuses on facilitating the overall transition from the traditional deep-rooted ways of doing things to new values and systems that transform the University. To this end, it shall establish a system and coordinate change initiatives, implementations, and communication channels concerning institutional and human factors influencing the transition. It shall gauge, address, and recommend alternative ways to impact the attitude, knowledge and awareness of the University community and external stakeholders that would ultimately play decisive roles in ensuring the new value and systems take root in the University.
The other approach will aim at working towards integrating the reform initiatives in day-to-day operations and performances by embedding the change ideas and ideals into the same. By so doing, the Office supports and facilitates a smooth transition from the status quo to the new systems, processes, and roles of the University with minimal risk and a robust University community engagement for the effective and efficient implementation of changes.
Specifically, the Office of Change Management has the duties and responsibilities to:
1) Develop a set of implementable and targeted change management initiatives in terms of change directions, implementation, communication, training, and risk management;
2) Develop and update a change management strategy based on continuous situational analysis, awareness raising and impacts resulting from the change;
3) Set policies, procedures and standards of managing change;
4) Integrate change management activities into respective plans as a project;
5) Develop, apply, and update a structured change management approach and methodology for the overall change plans and people management;
6) create a reinforcement mechanism to celebrate success;
7) Oversee the implementation of all change plans/desired objectives and advice and assist the process owners to fulfill their respective roles in programs of change;
8) Coordinate changes of culture, approach, systems and processes creating a robust engagement and maximizing contributions of the University community;
9) Initiate and lead the development of change-oriented tools and their publications and ensure that these tools are updated as and when appropriate;
10) Liaise, and maintain active and progressive working relationships with all concerned bodies in terms of initiating, implementing, managing change and communication endeavors;
11) Ensure adherence and consistency of the change plan and projects and in case of alteration confirm and endorse the overall change management process;
12) Work with and support the University leadership in strategic change management directions in line with internal and external developments, and
13) Perform any other duties as may be required by the President.