ICT contacts
ICT Administration Assistant Office: +251-111-239731 Mobile: +251-911-387534 Email: mekedes.shewaye@aau.edu.et Elias Abebe
Director, Office of ICT (AAiT) Mobile: +251-911-160620 Email: elias.abebe@aait.edu.et elias.abebe@aau.edu.et Walelegne Beyene
Director, Office of ICT (EiABC) Mobile: +251-911-677271 Office:+251-112-781997 Email:walelegne.beyene@eiabc.edu.et walelegne.beyene@aau.edu.et Abiy Zemede Leader, ICT Infrastructure and Services ( Main Campus) Mobile: +251-911-419925 Email:abiy.zemede@aau.edu.et Asegid Asfaw Leader, ICT Infrastructure and Services (CNCS Projects Manager) Mobile:+251-915-947766 Email:asegid.asfaw@aau.edu.et Fanuel Zegeye Leader, Learning-Teaching Technologies Office:+251-111-223863 Mobile: +251-911-623291 Email: fanuel.zegeye@aau.edu.et Biniam Amsalu
Leader, Business Applications Development and Administration Office: +251-111-223864 Mobile: +251-912-077039 Email: yidnekachew.amsalu@aau.edu.et Yonas Tsegay Leader, Maintenance and Support services Office: +251-111-223859 Mobile: +251-911-721739 Email: yonas.tsegay@aau.edu.et Samuel Teshome Leader, ICT Training and Consultancy services Office: Mobile: +251-912-095689 Email: samuel.teshome@aau.edu.et Hailemichael Bogale Leader, ICT Infrastructure and Services, CCNS Mobile:+251-911-686591 Email:hailemichael.Bogale@aau.edu.et Hailegebriel Bekele A. Leader, ICT Infrastructure and Services, (CHS) Mobile:+251-918-792112 Email:hailegebriel.bekele@aau.edu.et Belete Fikreselassie
Leader, ICT Infrastructure and Services, CHS ( Sefere Selam Campus) Mobile:+251-911-570437 Email: belete.fikreselassie@aau.edu.et Tewodros Belay Leader, ICT Infrastructure and Services, CBE Mobile:+251-911-074554 Email: tewodros.belay@aau.edu.et Yonas Haileyesus
Leader, ICT Infrastructure and Services, SoC (School of Commerce) Mobile:+251-943-029488 Email: yonas.hyesus@aau.edu.et Belayneh Sahilemichael
Leader, ICT Infrastructure and Services, CVMA Office: +251-114-305713 Mobile:+251-911-926640 Email: belayneh.sahilemichael@aau.edu.et