Fenta Mandefro

Dr. Fenta Mandefro

Name: Dr. FentaMandefro

Education Attended: PhD

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor

Working for AAU: Since November 1993

Administrative positions held:

  • Coordinator,Department Extension Program
  • Department Head,
  • Associate Dean,
  • Dean
Campus: Business and Economics
Building: EshetuChole
Floor Number: 5th
Office Room No.: 520
Office tel.: +251 1229231
Mobile: +251 911180903
University email ID: fenta.Mandefro@aau.edu.et
Alternative email ID: fenfet@gmail.com

P.O. Box: 150137

Research interests: Decentralization policy analysis (fiscal, administrative and political),  governance and  strategies for pro-poor development, governance and local government  studies; state-society interactions, institutional and organizational performance analysis; project monitoring and evaluation; local governance networking/multi-stakeholder   analysis; and governance reforms and service delivery

Publications in reputable journals:

Fenta M. Abate.&Stel, N (2014). Between Control and Cooperation: Multi-Stakeholder Service Provision and the Legitimacy of StateInstitutions in Ethiopia’s Amhara National Regional State. European Journal of Development Research1–18

Fenta M.(2008). The Contextual Dimension of Local Governance Network (LGNs) and Development: Lessons from the Tigray and Amhara Regions. Regional Development Studies, Vol.11, 2007:1-25.