Shumey BerhieTeshome

Shumey BerhieTeshome

Name: Shumey BerhieTeshome

Education Attended: MPA, PhD candidate of Development Studies

Academic Rank: Lecturer

Working for AAU: Since March 23, 2010

Administrative positions held: Assistant Dean of Students for the College of Management, Information and  Economic Science, Addis Ababa University (January 01, 2011 to November 02, 2011)

Campus: Business and Economics
Building Name:
Floor Number:
Office Room No. 432
Office tel.: +251 1229602
Mobile: +251 911453727
University email ID:
Alternative email ID:
P.O. Box: 150284

Research interests: Local sustainable development; public – nonprofit sector interface; decentralization; local governance; public service reforms; service delivery and good governance