Academic Programs

  1. Undergraduate Programs

There are three categories of Academic programs offered at AAU: first degree (B.Sc. or B.A.), second degree (M.Sc. or M.A.) and third degree (Ph.D.). Specialty certificates are also given for those who have an M.D and served for a reasonable period of time. Specialty certificates are given under the College of Health Sciences. Currently, the following Undergraduate programs  are available in the different colleges and institutes of the AAU.

  1.  Graduate Program

The University offers programs of study and research leading to Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Education (M.Ed.), Master of Science (M.Sc.), Master of Law (LL.M), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and similar other graduate degrees as well as programs leading to specialty and sub-specialty certificates in medicine or other similar programs. The University runs a total of more than 221 Graduate programs 74 of which offer Ph.D. It has also 13 specialty and 9 sub-specialty certificate programs.