Abera Kumie Takele

Full Name Dr Abera Kumie Takele
Education attended MD, MSc, PhD
Academic Rank Associate professor
Working for AAU since Dec 1999
Administrative positions held if any/ past and present


Unit Head, PhD Coordinator, engaged in 4 Committees (SchoolREC, School Promotion Recruitment and Committee, CHS IRB)
Awards ——recognitions — memberships of international bodies/ journals – editorial roles/ initiatives etc Ethiopian Public Health Association; Grant Award for a planning project: “Establishing GEOHealth hub for East Africa” in partnership with the University of Southern California, USA.
Address Campus College of Health Sciences

Building name: Black Lion Hospital

Floor number: 2nd floor

Office room no. C218

Office tel.

Mobile: +: 0911-882912

University email ID: abera.kumie@aau.edu.et

Alternative email ID: aberakumie2@yahoo.com

Research interest/ not more than hundred words Interested in climate change and health, air pollution, occupational health and safety, basic sanitation
Publications on reputable journals I have 34 publications