Development Studies
The Library service was initiated as a small collection of reading and reference materials in
response to the establishment of the Institute of Development Research (IDR) January 1972, at
Sidist kilo Main campus. In 2008, the IDR, along with two other units, namely Regional and
Local Development Studies (RLDS) and Institute of Gender Studies (IGS), became the College
of Development Studies (CoDS), then situated at Akaki Campus as an integral part of the Addis
Ababa University with the objectives of initiating, coordinating, and directing interdisciplinary
research on the development problems of Ethiopia, and providing post-graduate-level education
and training in the field of development studies with more than 600 student populations.
As of 2016, the CoDS has been relocated to Sidist Kilo Main campus. With this relocation, the
CoDS Library situated itself inside the New Library Building (Digital Library) together with
other College’s libraries. The CoDS Library Services, in support of the college’s mission of
teaching and learning, research, and outreach and community services, provide services in
accessing and using information and knowledge for the users. The College Library
The Library supports the education and research activities of the following Six Centers which
admit students at Masters and PhD degree level:
Center for Environmental and Development Studies
Center for Food Security Studies
Center for Gender Studies
Center for Population Studies
Center for Regional and Local Development Studies
Center for Rural Development Studies
Missions of CoDS Library are:
Ensuring high-quality information resources and services, and comprehensive reference
services, literacy training, secure and networked spaces for learning and research, to
students, faculty and other users, by acquiring, managing and preserving information
resources in a broad range of formats (this include digitalization projects: ETD or theses of
previous graduates accessible online, ebook accessible online) at the College level.
Library Head: Elias Zewde