Loan Service

The circulation department is responsible for the loan services and it is the frontline of the Library System, where the library resources are channeled directly to the user community.

The scope of the service is focus on all local and international materials to all service areas and especially it also has its own Ethiopian Collection Section. This section holds materials written in any Ethiopian languages as well as materials in the area of local issues with foreign languages regardless of the subject matter treated.

Loan Procedure
  • Membership of the University Libraries is open to all university staff; as well as students who hold valid AAU ID cards, and are currently registered , guest researchers, external users are entitled to use the Libraries.
Borrowing of Library Materials

All library users are responsible for library materials charged to their assigned ID card. Patrons are held responsible for returning library materials and must pay all fines incurred in their account. If a student passes materials to a friend, classmate or a family member they are still responsible for items charged under their ID. All obligations to the library must be cleared by patrons prior to leaving the university.

  • To borrow library materials, the borrower should apply in person at the circulation desk.
  • Books and other library materials may be borrowed only by holders of valid Addis Ababa University ID card and library pockets.
  • Borrowers who lose or fail to return material or damage the loaned material are subject to charges.
  • Reference books, reserve materials, and unbound journals borrowed from the library for photocopying must be returned to the shelves immediately after copying.
    • All items may have their loan periods renewed by the circulation desk staff, unless the item has been requested by another user.
    • Renewal is made upon personal application.
    • If the date due has already expired, renewal will be authorized only on personal request of the borrower, provided that any fine incurred is paid.
    • Library users may request for a book to be reserved when the book required has been borrowed by other readers.
    • Borrowed library materials may be reserved by filling in “Reserve Request Form” at the Circulation Desk.
    • As soon as the book is returned, notice will be posted on the Library notice board for three days and the user who requested the material has to report to the circulation desk within those three days. On the fourth day the book can be lent to other users.
    • The university librarian may recall any item on loan from any borrower at any time, especially if the material is requested by another user.
    • Not more than one reservation of the same edition of a given title may be made.
    • A user violating the recall shall be reported for further action.
  • Reserve items may be either Library Reserve (reserved by the Librarian for spot reading only) or Course Reserve (reserved by instructors).
  • When requesting a reserve item, to help Circulation staff serve you better and faster, first find the item’s call number in the catalogue.
  • Reserve materials can be borrowed for spot reading only for a maximum of two hours; however, if the book is not requested, it may be renewed for another two hours.
Lost or Damaged Books
  • Individuals who lose a book will be charged a processing fee plus the cost of the book and any other applicable fees.
E-Pocket Issuance 

A print Library pockets (Cards) are issued to all library users in order for them to be able to borrow books on the long loan policy. One pocket is used to hold all maximum loan transaction in their respective branches or institute/school/college library they belong to and the Maximum limit of Loan at Time under user category shown below.

User Type/Category Maximum limit of Loan at  Time
Undergraduate Students 4
Graduate Students 8
Academic Staff 15
Administrative Staff 3
Technical Assistants 3
Continuing Education students 4
PhD students 8

All students, faculty members, and staff are required to clear their library account with the University at graduating or leaving the university.