
Addis Ababa University International Humanitarian Law Clinic Presents Re-enactment of Lawyering, Other Skills Simulation of Jean Pictet Competition

The School of Law of AAU presented a re-simulation of the performance of its three delegates at the Jean Pictet Competition held from February 25th to March 3rd, 2023 in Belgium. The contestants –all females- selected from the final year undergraduate cohort of the school of law.

Following the re-simulation,  discussion was conducted on issues surrounding the performance of the AAU team and the broader subject of International Humanitarian Law.

Speaking on the record, experience, and opportunity surrounding the IHL competition, Ms. Lea Mehari, lecturer at Addis Ababa University School of Law and Director of the Addis Ababa University International Humanitarian Law Clinic stated that the International Humanitarian Law re-simulation event held on April 29th at AAU was organized by the Addis Ababa University International Humanitarian Law Clinic, in cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland and the International Committee of the Red Cross, which is a body mandated by international law to promote respect for and help States disseminate knowledge of IHL.

The law scholar and director explained that armed conflicts and devastating wars around the world are causing excessive harm to civilians and civilian objects. She also stated that it is the aim of the event to disseminate to the law students the role of International Humanitarian Law and the legal protections these laws provide to victims of armed conflicts.

The AAU academic also expressed her observation that competitions among students will allow the students to gain practical knowledge supplementing the theoretical foundations they acquire in the classrooms.

Diplomats and practitioners present in the panel stated that the competition is a great opportunity for students to immerse themselves into studying and practicing the law from various aspects and is a great way to sharpen skills such as negotiation, lobbying, and advocacy that are crucial in the field of international humanitarian law.