
AAU Conducts Training on Media Freedom and Human Rights

Addis Ababa University (AAU), Centre For Human Rights (CHRs), conducted a five-days training on Media Freedom and Human Rights at Sarem International Hotel from the 29th of Nov. to the 3rd of December 2021.

The training was given focused on journalists, media practitioners, communicators, human rights defenders and advocates with the assumption to help them develop practical knowledge and skills about human rights and media freedom as concerned bodies.

Kuribachew Hailu, Executive Assistant to the Lead Coordinator Project of Support Teaching Research And Community Engagement of the Centre, said that the project focuses on the most vulnerable groups in the society, such as children, women, disabilities, refugees, etc.

According to Kuribachew, the project under AAU Centre for Human Rights will be devoted to the betterment of these vulnerable groups by developing their knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Mesenbet Assefa (PhD), from AAU School of Law, in his presentation mentioned that human rights are rights that individuals have by the mere fact of being human and they should be accorded irrespective of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, social status, or other similar factors.

Nigussie Meshesha (PhD), Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, told to the AAU Staff reporter that freedom of expression for the media is important to play their roles in promoting human rights and make the public well understand of it.

According to Dr. Nigussie, the media have a great role in educating and sensitizing people about possible human rights abuses based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion and many other differences.

“Social media have created conducive environment for citizens to express themselves freely and to be good agents for protecting human rights in the society, but they are also seen violating human dignity intruding into personal affairs,” Dr. Nigussie said.

As noted by Dr. Nigussie, Social and Mainstream Medias are expected to achieve their primary goals by doing genuine reports on human right issues and raising public awareness to create well shaped and more advanced community.

Dr. Nigussie finally stated that the oppressive distribution of the rights of nations, nationalities and peoples to self-government by the previous TPLF led regime over the past 27 years, has been extremely wrong and divisive which ended up with the current crisis that we are facing.

Reporter: Theodros Shewangizaw

Photo: Fikremariam Beyene

Editor: Abraham Girmay