
Family of Decorated Flying Ace and National Hero Brigadier General Legesse Teferra Donate Memorabilia to IES Collection

AAU announced today that the family of Ogaden War hero and Medal of Honor recipient Brigadier General Legesse Teferra graciously donated his original Medal of Honor to the University’s Institute of Ethiopian Studies Museum. The donation further included all his prizes, decorations, uniforms, battle souvenirs, personal papers, documents, and other personal memorabilia.

Dr Samuel Kifle, President of AAU, thankfully accepted the generous gift from General Legesse’s sister Mrs. Mulu Berhan during a handover event at the University’s Ras Mekonnen Hall.

The president said Brigadier General Legesse was a shining example of heroism, whose selfless sacrifice and exceptional courage saved and made Ethiopia proud, adding AAU will preserve and share his legacy as a source of inspiration to the present and future generations of Ethiopians.

For her part, the sister of the late hero of the Ogaden skies spoke on her brother’s unmatched and unpatrolled gallantry as Ethiopia’s most decorated fighter pilot who downed several enemy aircraft.

Brigadier General Kassaye Chemeda, a former member of the Ethiopian Air Force, also gave an account of his late colleague as Ethiopia’s most iconic figure in the country’s military aviation history, remembered for his exceptional skill and bravery. He said, as the highest scoring pilot with five kills, Brigadier General Legesse’s tactical genius and skill was able to demoralize the enemy.

Apart from the AAU President, members of the Ancient Ethiopian Patriots Association (AEPA), University Officials and honourable guests attended the special event.