
AAU Conducts Tree Planting Activity near the Momentous Park of the Capital

Senior officials, administrative and academic staff experts of Addis Ababa University (AAU), as part of green initiative of the country, planted indigenous trees in the historic ‘Hamle-19 Park’ area of Addis Ababa city on the 17th of July 2023.

Abebe Assefa (PhD), director of community well-being at AAU, said that the staff of the University has actively been participating in the planting of saplings every year playing part for the role model of others.

He explained that if the society plants trees in large numbers, it will be possible to turn many desolate areas into dense green forests and likewise, if the people’s participation is strengthened, it will be possible to avoid environmental degradation that comes with the distortion of natural resources.

The director added that through the implementation of the Green Legacy Project, the people should be widely and lovingly involved in order for Ethiopia to continue safe with a reputation of being green and rich in natural resources and a role model for other countries.

In the past, attention was not given to the act of planting millions of saplings at the national level, but now, various private and public institutions are taking responsibilities and planting indigenous trees in many parts of the country, which makes the activity amazing,” He said.

“It is important to realize that the trees that are being planted in the country do not cause any kind of natural or man-made damages or dangers to the environment and provide suitable and comfortable climate for the soil and have a positive environmental impact,” Dr. Abebe added.

Eyob Asfaw, senior expert in community engagement AAU, said that the institution’s administrative and academic staffs have taken a commendable active part in the tree planting ceremony.

Eyob further stated that after the rainy season, the University workers will take care of the trees they have planted by watering, pruning, pulling and weeding them.

Reporter: TheodrosShewangizaw

Camera man: Andualem Aseffa

Editor: Abraham Girmay