
Research and Technology Transfer

Community Services Industry Linkage and Technology Transfer
Research Office University Press

Office of the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer (VPRTT)

 Office of the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer is accountable to the President with responsibilities for leading, coordinating and facilitating the University’s research and technology transfer program.

The Major tasks of the Office of The Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer are to:

  • Formulate research strategies and performance indicators, appropriate policies and procedures necessary to ensure successful implementation of the research vision of the University;
  • Establish a system of research and outreach service management for the University;
  • Attract research grants addressing issues of national concern and facilitating the conduct of strategic research on development issues (environment, water, energy, food security, education, health, etc.);
  • Promote interdisciplinary and collaborative thematic research projects that can have a major impact on national development;
  • Provide resources to help interdisciplinary teams develop competitive proposals for external research funding;
  • Supporting, coordinating and overseeing research infrastructure development and management of core research laboratories and facilities in the University;
  • Build strong, productive University-industry collaborations and relationships with industry partners nationally and internationally;
  • Support and oversee the establishment and operation of incubation centers providing an environment for innovation, entrepreneurship and new business growth, supporting ICT, engineering, biomedical, biotechnology and services start-up companies;
  • Ensure that a vibrant start-up environment exists within the incubation centers by supporting the establishment of innovative start-ups (both from spin-outs from within the University and spin-ins from outside the University);
  • Coordinate, monitor and appraise the performance of the various research and outreach units of the University, including those of the research institutes established in the University;
  • Plan, promote and carryout close work relations and linkages with appropriate government research and development agencies/institutions;
  • Oversee ethical standards for the conduct of research (including issues of scientific integrity, financial management, financial and business conflicts of interest, grant and contract compliance, etc.;
  • Support periodic research symposium on interdisciplinary topics dealing with issues pertaining to faculty, students, and staff on critical national issues and research problems.

The following offices are answerable to the VPRTT and assist the research and technology transfer functions.


Prof. Worash Getaneh

  Research and Technology Transfer Vice President

  Prof. Worash Getaneh is the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer of the University


Office Location: Main Campus, the New Administration Building, 4th Floor


Office Tel: +251-111-239769

P.O. Box: 1176

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia