
AAU, Kings College, University of Brighton sign Memorandum of Understanding

The Addis Ababa University (AAU), Kings College and University of Brighton signed Memorandum of Understanding to work together on Co-operative research, academic collaborations as well as staff and student exchange on March19, 2019 at the Office of the AAU President.

The major areas of the agreement is to deliver scholar interaction, cultural interchange, co-operative research and other forms of academic collaboration including students and staff exchanges. The five years partnership will be effective as of July 1, 2019. 

AAU President, Professor Tassew woldhanna, during the agreement expressed the institutions’ full support in enabling the partnership achieve the utmost. 

The collaboration further intended to cover the areas of co-development and sharing of curriculum for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and possible jointly delivered programs, PhD student exchange, research management and training, global health, non-communicable diseases, neglected tropical diseases, surgery, maternal care and healthcare delivery.


Center for Innovative Drug Development and Therapeutic Trails for Africa-CDT-AFRICA of Addis Ababa University will benefit from the support to further develop the center and its projects. Moreover, the MoU also includes the establishment of joint Global Health Center, which will be run by joint staff.

Professor Tassew woldhanna, President of AAU, Prof. Funmi Olonisakin, Vice President,  King’s College London and Prof. Chris Pole, deputy vice Chancellor, University of Brighton have signed the agreement on behalves of the Addis Ababa University, Kings College and University of Brighton respectively.
