
Center hosts 4th African Food and Nutrition Forum

It has been witnessed that the end of the Millennium Development Goals marked the move towards Sustainable Development Goals. Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed to be met in the coming 15 years, eradicating poverty in all its forms, and achieving food security and improved nutrition are but examples. However, reading through all the goals, one can find out the existence of the issues of food security and nutrition in one or another way.

Aimed at evaluating the achievements and performance of the Millennium Development Goals and inform the formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Center for Food Science and Nutrition, College of Natural Sciences, Addis Ababa University, has hosted the 4th African Food and Nutrition Forum (AFNF) from October 27-29, 2015 at Hilton Hotel.

Themed, “Global Response for Sustainable Food System in the Post Millennium Development Goal Era: Implication to Health, Nutrition and Food Security”, the forum designed to strengthen AFNF’s support in the formulation and implementation of evidence-based food and nutrition policies, and thereby contributes to the well being of its fellow citizens.

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Nigussie Reta(Prof. ), Dean, College of Natural Sciences, Addis Ababa University has welcomed high profile scholars from various countries with different background who are gathered in this forum to voice their knowledge based suggestion to the development program implementers.

Zenebe Beyene (PhD), Director, Office of External Relations, Partnership and Communication, Addis Ababa University in his opening remark pointed out that it is a high time that scholars from around the world evaluate the past performances and deliberate on the new plans dictating the future of food security and nutrition. “Such deliberations bear fruits when they are inclusive of ideas and experiences from different disciplines and parts of the world. This goes in line with the key roles global partnerships and collaborations play” he added.

The forum has featured paper as well as poster presentations followed by interactive discussions on issues pertinent to food and nutrition security, in the face of climate change, agriculture, food safety and scientific innovation for sustainable food production. Further, the forum has staged presentations and deliberations on gender focused multi-sectoral and integrated nutrition strategy, policies and strategies and scaling up nutrition.

Food Science and Nutrition, one of the centers at Addis Ababa University, is tasked to offer postgraduate training leading to MSc. and PhD, conduct researches, provide community services and support the overall need of the country towards poverty reduction and sustainable development. Hosting the African Food and Nutrition Forum is one of the ways through which the center can achieve its goals.