
National Launch of UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty

Addis Ababa University (AAU) Centre for Human Rights (CHR) held National Launch of UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty Workshop at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Addis Ababa on 18 November, 2020.

Addis Ababa University and Global Campus of Human Rights (a Network of 100 International Universities based in Venice, Italy) have jointly organized the workshop.

The discussion of the workshop focused on results of a research conducted under UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty, presented by Professor Manfred Nowak, Secretary General of the Global Campus of Human Rights and Independent Expert.

 The study aims to draw the attention of states and the international community to millions of children suffering in different types of detentions such as; child-specific institutions, immigration detention centres, police custody, prisons and others.

The discussion on the workshop opened chances for the participants and stakeholders to share best practices, identify emerging trends and priority areas reflect on the study.

The workshop also considered how to start and accelerate the process of liberating children from detentions as recommended in the study.

Mitike Molla (PhD), Vice President for Research, Technology Transfer and Community Services of AAU, appreciated the Global Campus of Human Rights and Centre for Human Rights of AAU to launch such a valuable workshop.

“Currently, AAU has more than 300 national and global collaborations with universities and research institutes. Such types of collaborations and networks are symbols of knowledge sharing, exchanging of productions and centring universities as modes of globalization to address pressing needs,” said Dr. Mitike.

Dr. Mitike added, “As a research university, this workshop is very important as it deals with vulnerable population who needs our evidence based voices in assuring their basic human rights.”

Relevant stakeholders, High level representatives of the Federal Government of Ethiopia, AU, UN agencies, NGOs and academia attended the workshop.

By: Tsion Aysheshim

Photo: Fikremariam Beyene

Editor: Abraham Girmay