
The Interim Executive-Leadership of AAU Holds Discussion on Autonomy Practising Process

The newly appointed executive-leadership, led by the Interim President of Addis Ababa University (AAU), conversed with various college and institution deans, directors and scholars regarding the start of the University’s autonomy at Black Lion Hospital (College of Health Sciences) on September 15, 2023.

Samuel Kifle (PhD), the Interim President of AAU, in his introductory address said that highly talented professionals in each field, sufficient financial resources to carryout effective and sustainable duties, establishing convenient leadership and management system are highly required to build qualified research institutions in the University.

Dr. Samuel stated that comfortable and suitable work environment should be created so that educational and research institutions can fulfil their assigned mission and the process of transferring institutions to an autonomous administrative system.

Professor Andualem Deneke, Chief Executive Director at College of Health Sciences (CHS), expressed his full hope that the institution will transform the autonomous leadership quickly and efficiently with the desired quality to implement its mandate at the highest development possible.

 The Chief Executive Director explained that the autonomous leadership system would provide the possibility of leading the University with relative freedom of social and academic situations avoiding regressive thinking as well as free of any external pressure and  interference.

Abdurazak Mohammed (PhD), Vice President for Administration and Student Affairs Office, in his illustration said that the autonomy will empower AAU to become a university which works independently by developing appropriate strategies, policies and directives, and decide on its own duties upon the approval of enabling documents by the board.

He also said that the autonomy will enable AAI to fetch efficiency and efficacy to make great contribution in building competitiveness at the national, regional, and international levels.

An autonomous university is a university that retains and attracts competent staff and students. It overall helps AAU to enhance its key roles in nation building and become the flagship of the Ethiopian higher education system,” Dr.  Abdurazak finally stated.

Web Journalist: Theodros Shewangizaw

Camera man: Fikremariam Beyene

Editor: Abraham Girmay