
Department awards its partners

The Department of Management of the College of Business and Economics, Addis Ababa University has awarded certificate of recognition to business organizations that contributed to the Department’s effort to transform its teaching-learning and research environment in a ceremony held on July 14, 2016.

The certificate of recognition was awarded to Medtech Ethiopia, Flintstone Group, and Aujan Coca-Cola Beverages Company (ACCBC) and Rani Refreshments (RR). The recognized companies furnished executive class room, erected a staff room, and provided refreshment equipment and refreshments to the department respectively.

The collaboration is exemplary in the University’s effort to enhance University-Industry Linkage.

Friends of the department, Engineer Tsedke Yihune, CEO Flintstone Group, Department Staff Mr. Gashaw Haile, and Alumnus Mr. Hyder Kemel who were instrumental for such collaboration were also recognized.

During the same occasion, the Center of Excellence for Entrepreneurship housed by the Department of Management and established under the auspicious of UNDP and the Government of Canada and the Staff Coffee Room were also officially opened.
