

College/Institution:  CHS

Department/School/Center:  School of Medicine

Program title: Doctor of Physiotherapy

Program duration (in years): Four for regular

Study Language: English

Credits and the equivalent ECTS: ECTS – 241

Mode of delivery: Regular

Program Objectives

General Objectives – the Advanced Standing Doctor of Physiotherapy Program advances the knowledge and skills of currently licensed physiotherapists with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in physiotherapy and is an integral part of advancing the profession of physiotherapy in Ethiopia. Graduates will not only contribute to the health sector as primary care providers upon graduation from the program, but will also gain the skills and knowledge to serve in academic and/or clinical physiotherapy faculty roles.

Specific Objectives

  • To produce clinicians that serve as physical medicine primary care providers who can meet the diverse needs of patients and communities;
  • To produce clinicians that act as leaders who advocate for the improvement of standards of practice and promote professional excellence;
  • To produce clinicians that practice autonomously while collaborating with other health care professionals;
  • To produce clinicians that use critical thinking skills and current best evidence in the processes of examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, intervention, and outcomes assessment;
  • To prepare the physiotherapist for future studies and specialty diplomas;
  • To produce clinicians that participate in the business of offering services within a changing health care system;
  • To produce clinicians that contribute to the capacity building process in modern physical medicine;
  • To produce manpower to help establish a center of excellence in physiotherapy in TASH and in all teaching hospitals in Ethiopia;
  • To put Ethiopia in the forefront as hub for cutting edge health care, education and research by establishing the best program in physical medicine in Africa and beyond.

Admission requirements: A minimum of B.Sc. or equivalent in physiotherapy from an accredited higher education institution within or outside of Ethiopia.

  • Applicants should have an active certified professional license from the legal accrediting body and should be in active practice;
  • Successful completion of the overall admissions criteria at a score of 60% or above;
  • Applicant should be less than 45 years of age;
  • Applications of foreign citizens or Ethiopians living abroad with a minimum of B.Sc. level will be evaluated by the department’s standing committee and approved by the Academic Commission. In addition, foreign applicants need to pass through the established admission requirements;
  • Students must at all times be physically and mentally capable of completing the medical courses and subsequently practicing as a doctor of physiotherapy and
  • Female candidates are encouraged.

Graduation requirement

  • CGPA and MGPA of at least 2.00;
  • No “F” grade in any course;
  • Take a total 241 ECTS;
  • Successful completion of mentored clinical practice expectations;
  • Recommendation of the degree by a committee of faculty within physiotherapy unit.

Modules and Courses

Module Module title ECTS Course Course title ECTS
PHYT-M1011 Human Anatomy and Development 15.3 PHYT-1011 Neuromusculoskeletal Anatomy 10.2
PHYT 1021 Human Development 5.1
PHYT-M1021 Physiology and Kinesiology of Movement 10.2 PHYT 1031 Exercise Physiology 5.1
PHYT 1041 Kinesiology 5.1
PHYT-M1031 Clinical Decision Making 5.1 PHYT 1051 Clinical Decision Making 5.1
Total 30.6

Module Module title ECTS Course Course title ECTS
PHYT-M1041 Cardiovascular and Pulmonarysystem 22.1 PHYT-1061 Exercise Prescription 5.1
PHYT 1071 Cardiovascular & PulmonarySystem Management 8.5
PHYT 1081 Pharmacology: Cardiovascularand Pulmonary 1.7
PHYT 1091 Evidence Based Practice:Cardiovascular & Pulmonary 1.7
PHYT 1101 Clinical Mentoring I:Cardiovascular & Pulmonary 5.1
PHYT-M1015 MovementScience 10.2 PHYT 1111 Movement Science 5.1
Movement Analysis 5.1
Total 32.3


Module Module title ECTS Course Course title ECTS
PHYT-M2061 ElectromyographicStudies 5.1 PHYT-2011 Qualitative & Diagnostic EMG 5.1
PHYT-M2071 Neurological System Management 25.5 PHYT 2021 Neurological Management I 8.5
PHYT 2031 Neurological Management II 8.5
PHYT 2041 Pharmacology: Neurology 1.7
PHYT 2051 Evidence Based Practice:Neurology 1.7
PHYT 2061 Clinical Mentoring II:Neurology 5.1
Total 30.6

Module Module title ECTS Course Course title ECTS
PHYT-M2081 Radiology 5.1 PHYT-2071 Radiology 5.1
PHYT-M2091 Orthopedic Management I:Extremities 25.5 PHYT 2081 Musculoskeletal Management: I 6.8
PHYT 2091 Musculoskeletal Management: II 6.8
PHYT 2101 Evidence Based Practice:Orthopedics-Extremities 1.7
PHYT 2111 Orthopedic Trauma Medicine 5.1
PHYT 2121 Clinical Mentoring IIIOrthopedics-Extremities 5.1
Total 30.6

Module Module title ECTS Course Course title ECTS
PHYT-M3101 Orthopedic Management IISpine 20.4 PHYT-3011 Musculoskeletal Management III 6.8
PHYT 3021 Pharmacology: Orthopedics 1.7
PHYT 3031 Evidence Based Practice:Orthopedics-Spine 1.7
PHYT 3041 Therapeutic Exercise 5.1
PHYT 3051 Clinical Mentoring IV:Orthopedics: Spine 5.1
PHYT-M3111 Specialized Medical Management of Musculoskeletal System 10.2 PHYT 3061 Physical Medicine 5.1
PHYT 3071 Sports Medicine 5.1
Total 30.6

Module Module title ECTS Course Course title ECTS
PHYT-M3121 Professional Roles 15.3 PHYT-3081 Roles and Responsibilities 5.1
PHYT 3091 Practice Management 5.1
PHYT 3101 Health Policy 5.1
PHYT-M3121 Population Health 15.3 PHYT 3111 Community and Rural Health Services 5.1
PHYT 3121 Emergency Medicine 5.1
PHYT 3131 Clinical Mentoring V:Population Health 5.1
Total 30.6

Module Module title ECTS Course Course title ECTS
PHYT-M4141 Endocrinology and Integumentary 8.5 PHYT-4011 Endocrinology/Integumentary 5.1
PHYT 4021 Evidence Based Practice:Endocrinology/ Integumentary 1.7
PHYT 4031 Clinical Mentoring VI 1.7
PHYT-M4151 OB/GYN 8.5 PHYT 4041 OB/GYN 5.1
PHYT 4051 Evidence Based Practice:OB/GYN 1.7
PHYT 4061 Clinical Mentoring VII 1.7
PHYT-M4161 Oncology 8.5 PHYT 4071 Oncology 5.1
PHYT 4081 Evidence Based practice:Oncology 1.7
PHYT 4091 Clinical Mentoring VIII 1.7
PHYT 4171 Research Methods 5.1 PHYT 4101 Research Methods 5.1
Total 30.6

Module Module title ECTS Course Course title ECTS
PHYT-M4181 Scope ofPhysiotherapyPractice 25.5 PHYT-4111 Pediatrics 5.1
PHYT 4121 Adult 5.1
PHYT 4131 Geriatrics 5.1
PHYT 4141 Clinical Mentoring IX 10.2
Total 25.5