
Apply for a Joint PhD Program at AAU and ISS




The Institute of Development and Policy Research (IDPR) of Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University, The Netherlands is launching Doctoral research program in Development Studies. The program aims to produce manpower that are high level professionals in development studies with strong theoretical, analytical and interpretation skills that will be engaged in teaching at higher learning institutions, independent research, leadership in development plan and policy formulation.

The program focus:

The graduates of the PhD program in Development Studies will acquire a range of critical theoretical knowledge, methodological, and practical skills that will enable them to:

  1. Engage in teaching of development theories and policy studies in higher academic institutions in Ethiopia and beyond,
  2. Participate in development and policy research to contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of development policies and programs in Ethiopia and other nations in the globe,
  3. Assume high-level officials in bilateral and multilateral organizations, and
  4. Assume professional responsibilities in government institutions, non-government organizations, or the private sector in different capacities such as in leadership, research, advisory services, coordination, and policy analysis.

Admission Requirements

Recruitment procedures will be taken care of by both Universities. Prospective candidates for the PhD program in Development Studies are expected to meet the following requirements:

Candidates shall be evaluated by the joint Admission Committee at both universities and need to fulfil the formal admission criteria of both ISS and AAU. These include:

  • MA/MSc degree, minimally at B+ level (the MA/MSc thesis should be with the grade of at    least
very good (AAU) or equivalent (80 and above for ISS)
  • Motivation statement
  • CV
  • Strong recommendation letters from two referees; academic and employer
  • AAU’s Graduate admission test (GAT).
  • Good proposal (proposal to be reviewed by IDPR and ISS)
  • Research topic (proposal) in line with research focus of ISS and AAU. IDPR research areas are Environment and land, migration, social protection, health, structural/rural transformation, unemployment/employment creation, indigenous knowledge. ISS research areas are: conflict and
peace, environment and climate change, migration and diversity, and social protection and inequality.
  • Once admitted, candidates will be expected to fulfil the course work requirements set by both universities.

How to Apply

  1. Based on the admission requirements of Addis Ababa University, the applicant should apply on the for the university level Graduation Admission Test (GAT).
  2. Research proposal should be submitted.
  3. After getting the pass mark of GAT and research proposal accepted, the applicant should complete application form using and submit academic credentials to AAU registrar admission office.
  4. There is no specific deadline for application. Candidates can submit their research proposal at any time and registration (for those who qualified) can be either in the first semester or second semester.
  5. The details regarding the program can be accessed by contacting:

Getnet Alemu:    mobile phone: +251911529796

Zemzem Shigute: