
AAUP House Style

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AAUP has guidelines and codes that the Press holds on and helps frame its relationship with Authors, Customers, Partners and clients.

The parts of the book

The list that follows presents the traditional arrangement using lower case roman numerals for pages in the front matter and Arabic numerals for all the rest, including the back matter

Front Matter

Book half title I
Series title, fronts piece II
Title page III
Copy right page IV
Dedication V
Epigraph V or VI
Table of contents V or VII
Lists of illustrious foreword (if any) Recto or Verso
Foreword Recto or Verso
Preface Recto
Acknowledgments (if is not part of preface) Recto
Introduction (if not part of text) Recto
Abbreviations (if not in back matter) Recto or Verso


First text page

Introduction or chapter 1 1
Second half title or first part title 1

 Back matter

Appendix or first if more than one Recto
Second and subsequent appendices Recto
Chronology Recto
End Notes (if not footnotes) Recto
Bibliography or references Recto
(List of) contributors Recto
Index/es/ Recto

Manuscript preparation

The following outline high lights the basic steps of the publication process from approved manuscript to published work

For an overview of production procedures, including design, the steps are:

  1. Manuscript submission፡ In addition to the final, unedited manuscript ,the author submits to the publisher all artwork and any necessary permissions to produce illustrations or previously published material or to cite unpublished data or personal communications
  2. Manuscript editing : The manuscript editor makes changes to the manuscript (and, where necessary, queries the author) and demarcates or checks the order and structure of the elements (e.g. illustrations, headings text extracts).
  3. Author review: The author reviews the edited manuscript and answers any queries. All remaining changes and adjustments to the manuscript need to be indicated by the author at this stage
  4. Final manuscript: The manuscript editor produces a final manuscript incorporating the results of author’s review of the edited manuscript and among other things, double –checking each element in the manuscript against a design template for completeness, consistency, and proper markup.

Manuscript preparation Guidelines for Authors

Basic submission Requirements

Elements to be furnished, before manuscript editing begins, an author should plan to provide the publisher with any of the elements in the list that follows that are to be included in the work . This list is modeled on the parts of a book:

  • Title page
  • Dedication
  • Epigraph
  • Table of contents
  • List of illustrations
  • List of tables
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • A list of special characters used in the manuscript
  • All illustrations and all tables
  • Illustration captions
  • Any other front matter
  • All text matter, including introduction and part titles
  • Notes
  • Appendices
  • Bibliography or reference list
  • Any other back matter


All permissions should be provided in writing that may be required to reproduce illustrations of previously published material or to cite unpublished data of personal communications

All elements should be final and up to date –including any URLs cited in the work. The publisher usually furnishes the half titles page, the copyright page, and copy for the running heads.

Line spacing. Though authors may prefer to use minimal line spacing on the screen, AAU Press has customarily required that any printout be double spaced including all extracts, notes, bibliography and other materials. The extra line spacing is crucial for manuscripts edited with pencil on paper.

Word spacing -one space or two? leaving a single character space, not two spaces, between sentences and after colons used within a sentence and this recommendation applies to both the manuscript and the published work.

Justification and margins. All text in manuscript should be presented “justified” To leave enough room for hand written queries, margins of at least one inch should appear on all four sides of the hard copy

Spaces, tabs, and hard returns within paragraph. Never include more than one consecutive character space.

Hyphenation– the hyphenation function on your word processor should be turned off. the only hyphens that should appear in the manuscript are hyphens that would appear regardless of where they appeared on the page at the end of a line or if the right hand margin is extremely ragged by the same token do not attempt to manually break excessively long works .

Dashes. For an em dash one that indicates a break in sentence like this either use the em dash character on your word processor or type two hyphens (leave no space on either side). For the long dash (three em –dashes) in bibliographies, use three consecutive em dashes or six un spaced hyphens. Ensuring proper use of the en dash-a shorter dash that has special significance in certain types of compounds and in number ranges is usually considered the manuscript editors responsibility, authors can generally avoid en dash and use hyphens instead.

Italics underline and boldface. Though underlining will generally be construed by publishers to mean italics, italics should be used instead wherever italics are intended. an author who in fact intends underlining rather than italics to appear in clear in letter to the published work must make these instances clear in a letter to the published work must make these instances clear in a letter to the publisher or a note to the manuscript editor use boldface only for wards that must appear thus in the published version

Special characters. As far as your software allows, use the character that you intend rather than any keyboard substitute. For example, if you want a prime symbol, use the prime symbol from your word processor’s list of special characters rather than an apostrophe. Since the advent of the Unicode standard for character encoding .Many software environments include a wide array of special characters without the need for special fonts or other add-ons. Nonetheless, if you run up against a character that is not available to you, enclose a descriptive shorthand brackets; might indicate that the publisher should render the Hausa word boci. In either case, include a list of special characters and their names.

 Subheads. Set subheads on a new line. Flush left. Each level of subhead must be distinguished by type size and style. Such as larger boldface for first level subheads versus smaller italics for second -level heads. Use upper and lowercase letters than full capitals except for the first word and proper name only sentence style. Sub heads are almost never followed by period.

Prose extracts. (Also known as block quotations) should have double line spacing and be indented form the left margin using your word processor’s indent feature. The first line should not have an additional paragraph indent. If there is more than one paragraph within the extract, new paragraphs should have an additional first- line paragraph indent.

Poetry extracts. Poetry extracts should be double -spaced and indented, not centered (even if they are to appear centered in the printed vision). Let run over lines wrap to the next line normally.

Footnotes and endnotes. To take advantage of automatic renumbering creates notes that are linked to the text by using the footnote or endnote function on your word processor. For the print out, they must be double- spaced throughout chapter. Regardless of how they are to appear in the published version, avoid appending notes references to chapter titles.

Glossaries and lists of abbreviations .Each entry in a glossary or list of abbreviations should begin on a new line, capitalized only if the term is capitalized in the text. Separates each term from the definition that follows with a period, a colon, or an em dash. In a glossary, begin the definition with a capital letter, as if it were a new sentence; in a list of abbreviations, the expanded term should be capitalized or lowercased as it would be in text. Glossary enters need closing punctuation unless all definitions consist of in complete sentences. Any term or abbreviation that is consistently italicized in the text (not just on first use) should also be italicized in the glossary or list of abbreviations. (Abbreviations of consistently italicized terms should generally themselves be italicized.

Bibliographies and reference lists. Although a bibliography or reference list will often appear in flush- and- hang ( or hanging- indention) style in the published version, you may either use the hanging- indention function on your word processor or format, each entry like a normal paragraph with a first- line indent. Never use the tab key to indent run over lines. As with all parts of your manuscript, use double line spacing. For capitalization, use of italics, and other matters of bibliographic style.

Illustrations and Tables

Prints of artwork versus scans. Text figures that are to be reproduced by scanning a hard- copy original– such as paintings, maps, and photo graphic prints— should be furnished in whatever form.

Numbering illustrations. Illustrations may be consecutively numbered, or, in scientific and technical books, heavily illustrated books, and books with chapters by different authors double numeration may be used. In double numeration, provide the chapter number, followed by period, followed by the figure number (e.g., fig 1.1, 1.2, 1.3…2.1, 2.2, 2.3 … etc.).  In the event a figure is dropped or added, double numeration will help simplify the work needed to renumber not just the illustrations but any applicable cross references, especially in heavily illustrated book. Illustrations are enumerated separately from figures interspersed in the text. Even if numbers are with the illustrations in the published version, working numbers should be assigned for identification and should accompany the captions.

Text reference and callouts to tables and illustrations. A text reference is addressed to the reader and will appear in the published version .A callout is an instruction, which will not appear in the published work, telling where a table or an illustration is to appear. In the manuscript, a callout should be enclosed in angel brackets or some other delimiter and placed on a separate line following the paragraph in which the table or illustration first referred to or, if a later location is preferable, where the table or illustrations is to appear .Tables and such illustrations as graphs and diagrams require both a text reference and a placement callout, unless they are to be grouped in a section separate from the regular text. Photo graphs and maps- at least in printed books– do not always need to be preferred to in the text but do need a placement callout if they are to appear with the text.

Table notes and source notes. Source notes appear at the foot of the table before any others notes. They are preceded by the “source” followed by a colon. Other notes to the table as a whole follow any source note and may be separated by the word “Note” followed by a colon. Specific notes follow any other notes and must carry their own numbering, keyed to parts of the table. They must never be numbered along with the notes to the text.

Manuscript Guidelines

The Press publishes in all academic areas and general works such as autobiographies, diaries, dictionaries, etc. The Board of Editors determines the publications of manuscript based on the recommendations of assessors, who are established scholars in their respective academic fields. The Manuscript Guidelines cover instructions on how to submit a manuscript, especially the Amharic manuscripts. For more details please follow the link below:

Memorandum of Agreement

Contributors/Authors comprise members of the AAU and others, including foreign scholars and researchers. The AAU Press publishes books both in Amharic and English.

Manuscripts submitted to the Press are first presented to the Board of Editors for preliminary screening, i.e. in house assessment. Upon positive consideration by the Board, manuscripts are sent to at least two reviewers for detailed and critical assessment based on criteria established by the Press. If the manuscript is accepted by the two reviewers, (the author and the Press) sign the Memorandum of Agreement that consists of 17 articles including copy rights and royalty payment clause. For more details please see the link below:

  • Memorandum of Agreement               

Consignment Agreement

AAU Press publications are distributed on consignment basis to private or public book selling firms, which meet the AAU Press’s criteria. And the Press distributes its publications on consignment basis 20% discount. The Consignee signs with a consignment agreement. For more details please see below

  • Consignment Agreement